As some of you may know, we are celebrating our first full year of blogging here at OTSchoolHouse.com this month. What a year it has been. The last 12 months have been full of excitement, accomplishments, and just the right amount of anxiety...
As we mark this celebratory month, I wanted to give some credit to our favorite blogs that inspired us to start the OT School House Blog. The occupational and physical therapists behind the blogs I am about to introduce to you have been leaders in the therapy blogging world. They blog consistently, are active on social media, and some of them have even been featured on the OT School House Podcast. (Hopefully, the others will join us soon)
Each of them has a unique place in the occupational therapy bloggersphere and many provide exceptional value through blogs, books, videos, and other resources. It would mean a lot to me if you scrolled down and found at least one that speaks to you and subscribe to their email list. If you enjoy the OT School House blog and podcast, you will without a doubt enjoy the following blogs.
I do want to quickly note that some links on this page to the other blogs may be what is called an affiliate link. This simply means that if you find their content amazing and happen to purchase a product from them, at no additional cost to you the OT School House receives a small commission.
So let's get started! In no particular order, we have...

The Pocket OT, aka Cara Koscinski, has been blogging for over 10 years and her website is the ultimate go-to resource for anything sensory and interception. Along with well-written blog posts, you will find a series of web-based courses she offers as well as several books she has authored, including her newest book, "Interoception". Interoception is all about understanding what your body is trying to convey to your brain, and in this book, Cara shares how you can help children better understand what their bodies are telling them. So, be sure to check out the Pocket OT website!
The Inspired Treehouse is a fun website developed by an OT, PT duo. Claire Heffron, OTR/L, and Lauren Drobnjak, PT, blog about developmental milestones, sensory processing, and how to push into the classroom. They also have a few online courses for purchase including the "Pushing into the Classroom: Practical Strategies for Pediatric Therapists" webinar which is designed to help therapists understand how to successfully help students in a push-in model. You can check out that course and their blog Here!
YourTherapySource.com is a one-stop shop for therapists, teachers, and parents. With multiple blog posts a week and countless free and paid resources, it is easy to get lost in all the fantastic content. This is the one website on this list without a name and face go with the website and that it because they have a team of professionals bringing you tons of content. They even have a page where they list professional development opportunities. Check out all that they have to offer at YourTherapySource.com
The OT Tool Box, formally known and Sugar Aunts, was started by 3 sisters who all had an interest in creating fun, sensory rich activities for kids. Since the switch to the OT Tool Box, one of the sisters has taken a majority stake in creating the content on the website. Collen is an occupational therapist by trade, but she now stays home to be close to her 4 children. At the OT Tool Box, Colleen now releases a blog at least once a week it seems like and she has plenty of other brilliant worksheets and resources available for purchase. Check her blog out at theottoolbox.com
Miss Jaime is an OT from Long Island, New York and she everywhere when it comes to pediatric and school-based OT. Not only does she treat student in schools, but she also provides therapy outside of schools and is an advocate for change in school-based OT. You can learn more about that in her Facebook group, "USA School-based Occupational Therapists Looking for a Change" Check out her blog and "Motor Mondays" where she demonstrates how just about anything can be used to facilitate motor skills at Missjaimeot.com
Cindy, the Australian based occupational therapist, is the blogger and creator behind YourKidsOT.com Although I have not yet had the chance to meet her in person, I have seen her actively engage with her followers all over social media. In fact, she is currently running a monthly competition on Instagram where she asks therapists to post pictures of their best pictures using a tool or strategy of the month (October is clothed pins). With over 4 years worth of blog posts, she has a blog and activity for just about everything. Check Cindy's blog out at YourKidsOT.com
Adaptandlearn.com has become my go-to blog for all things Assistive Technology and OT. Alescia is ATP certified as well as a Handwriting Without Tears specialist. Her blog posts make adapting everything from playing to planning and to handwriting easy for any OT. She not only reviews physical products, but she also shares her top recommendations for IOS (Apple) devices and Google Chrome extensions. Be sure to check out AdaptandLearn.com if you are looking for some AT tips.
I think this was the first pediatric OT blog I ever came across. I was immediately blown away by what Heather had to offer. She has been blogging for nearly 10 years about child development, DIY projects and sensory processing. If there is a skill you need help with finding an idea for, this COTA has got your back! Her love for Montessori education and OT has driven her to share her ideas with the world through this blog. Check her out at GrowingHandsOnKids.com. Oh, and I did I mention she is an Author? Check out her books Here!
The Anonymous OT has been providing her candid thoughts on pediatric occupational therapy since 2013. Being anonymous has given her some leeway to go a bit further than anyone else out there when it comes to speaking the truth. Don't get me wrong, she is justified in everything she says. In fact, we enjoy her blog so much that she will be on episode 16 of the OT School House podcast! Be sure to tune in as we "unveil" The Anonymous OT. Along with the blog, she also has some resources available for free and for purchase to assist in treatments. Check out what's happening over at TheAnonymousOT.com
Robert Constantine loves vision! And that is an understatement! Although he doesn't blog as frequently as the rest of the blogs I have listed here, his content is second to none when it comes to understanding vision and ocular motor skills. If I had a vision related question, this is the man I would seek out answers from. He currently provides trainings through PESI, but we were lucky enough to have him join us on Episode 15 of the OT School House Podcast. Be sure to have a listen. He is so passionate about what he does and drops so much knowledge in this 1-hour podcast.
Bonus Blog: Sorry, I just couldn't contain myself to just ten
Sarah Lyon may not be a pediatric OT, but she is the owner and face behind OTPotential.com. Since 2012, Sarah has built up a repertoire of blog posts ranging in all areas of occupational therapy. She or a guest writer typically release a new blog once or twice a month about new opportunities for OTs at all abilities. One of her most prominent blog articles is titled "6 Steps to the Right OT Job" where she walks you through the process of finding and securing the OT job of your choice. She also has plenty of books and resources for sale at great prices. I highly recommend you check out her website at OTPotential.com
Alright, there it is! The preferred occupational therapy blogs of the OT School House, beside ours of course. But, I would be a fool to not recognize these 11 pages for what they have put together, accomplished, and provided to other OTs like me.
Thank you to each of them and thanks to each of you for checking out this list of amazing blogs. I hope you will check out their blogs, as well as ours.
Be sure to also check out our podcast during your commutes. You can find the OT School House Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Have a great day,