"I Feel Confident..."
"This course has given me the appropriate tools and skills to transition from a caseload to a workload approach.
I feel confident in collecting and analyzing my data, problem solving solutions, and approaching administration for my needs using my data."
- Ashley Hartley, OTR/L -
Learn the process necessary to get the support you need
Research has shown that over 60% of school-based OT practitioners feel that their caseload is not reasonable (Seruya & Garfinkle, 2020). Likewise, 55% reported being unable to fulfill the required service minutes mandated on their students' IEPs.
In 2018, I found myself in this exact situation.
My caseload of nearly 60 kids led me to have more service minutes per week than I could handle. Between evals, meetings, and trying to keep up on notes, my log of missed therapy sessions just kept growing.
That's when I knew I needed to do something.
Rather than continue with the status quo and be okay with missed therapy sessions, I created a plan to get the help I needed. I knew it wouldn't happen overnight, but I had to start somewhere.
Four months (and way too many missed sessions) later, my plan had worked.
I collected my data, showed my supervisor that my caseload was unmanageable, and received additional support in the form of a contracted therapist helping to see my students on my caseload.
Unfortunately, very few OT practitioners have had the same success in trying to get the support they need.
With this course, you will get a step-by-step guide to understanding your current caseload and using that data to make changes in your school. You will learn how your administrators think about your caseload and how you can collaborate with them to support not only yourself but also the entire school.
In this course, I will walk you through every step of the process, from collecting data on your caseload to sharing solution-driven ideas with your administrators.
Ready? Let's go! ​​​​
What you'll learn in this course
Hint: Your Workload is more than the students you see each week.
Through this action-oriented course, you'll complete the necessary steps to get the support you need. I will be by your side as you identify your workload, gather data, create a plan, and present your plan to administrators. We'll do this together!
Understand Caseloads & Workloads
You likely already know how many kids are on your caseload. But do you know how long it takes each week to complete your job? We'll look at research and data to determine what an average workload looks like among school-based OT practitioners.
Identify Your Workload
Once we have a baseline for what a workload should look like, we'll make a plan to identify YOUR unique workload. Do you partake in RTI, recess duty, and evals? All of these must be considered in your workload plan.
Gather Workload Data
Now that we know what to measure, it is time to gather data. I will guide you through this process with a plan and easy-to-use spreadsheets to help you track your time and identify how many hours it really takes you to see every student on your caseload.
Make The Change
This is where things get fun. I will help you to create a plan that both you and your administrators can agree on. With your workload data in hand, you'll feel confident sharing the results with your supervisor. I'll even provide you the template for putting it all together.
Maintain Your Progress
Many believe that making the shift to a workload model is a one-time deal. They're half-right. Once you make the shift, it takes some yearly data collection to prevent reverting to the ways of a stressed caseload model. You'll learn how you and your team and maintain your workload progress for the long term as we wrap up the course together.
Here's what you get with the Make The Shift: Caseload to Workload Workshop!
A detailed program to help you get the support you need.
I will guide you through the process of showing your administrators that your caseload model is not working. During the workshop, I will support you in completing the three-step process I have used to shift my practice to a workload model and get support from my administrators. By the end of this course, you will be able to show your administrators why your caseload is not working and provide potential solutions for their consideration.
Resources to save you time, energy, and headaches.
You could spend hours developing your own templates and resources. Or you could use mine. I will provide you with spreadsheets, templates, and forms to make this process simple for you. You can even use them with your team to make the shift to a workload program together.
Some of the several resources included:
A caseload to workload calculator
Time study spreadsheet with calculations to analyze your time
A report template to help demonstrate your workload to your administrators
Ongoing Support from Jayson and other dedicated therapists
As part of the workshop, you will also have access to monthly support calls with me - Jayson. Join me on Zoom once a month on a weekday evening and ask any questions you have about school-based OT, caseloads, and workloads. You also get access to a space inside our dedicated Learner Community where you can interact with other Caseload to Workload Workshop Learners.
AOTA-approved Continuing Education
The mts: Caseload to Workload Workshop is AOTA-approved for 4 hours of continuing education. Upon completion of the course, quiz, and survey, you will receive a certificate of completion for 4 contact hours (.4 CEUs) good for your national board re-certification and licensure renewal, where applicable.

Caseload to Workload Workshop Curriculum
Three action-oriented sections to help you make the shift!
This is not a theory-heavy course. It is a workshop that will allow you to take action & make changes this school year! ​
Part 1: Caselaod vs. Workloads
It's a caseload world and we are all just living it.
It doesn't have to be that way, though. In the first part of the course, we will define how a caseload differs from a workload, both in theory and in practice. I will show you real-life examples of various caseloads and workloads so you can better explain the differences to your OT team and supervisors.
I will also share the research with you related to why we should be making the shift now! Our well-being and our students' outcomes depend on us making the shift.
(50 minutes of lessons + 15 minutes of assignments)
Part 2: Planning & Taking Action
It's time to take action. We are going to complete four specific actions to fully understand your workload. We'll also look at your team's workload. Don't worry; I will help you get them on board with this, even if they are not all OTPs.
By the end of Part 2, you will have a detailed analysis of how you spend your time at work to share with your administrator. You will also have the knowledge and tools to implement the shift.
(130 minutes of lessons + 30 minutes of assignments)
Part 3: Sticking with it!
Unfortunately, if you don't continue to track your workload, it will get out of hand. That is why in part 3 I will provide you with the knowledge and tools to prevent you from moving back into a caseload model.
Yes, it will take a little upkeep every year. But with every year, your workload will become more clear and your administrators will learn to appreciate what you have done for the OT department, if not the entire special education department.
(15 minutes of lessons + 10 minutes of assignments)
How I make it easy for you
Using pre-recorded videos with slides, accessible online tools, and hands-on assignments designed to facilitate your learning experience, I will make it easy for you to make the shift to a workload model at your school sites.
Most video lessons are less than 30 minutes in length. Vital lessons are paired with action item assignments that will directly assist you in making the shift.
If you start today, you can make the shift to a workload model in as little as 4-6 weeks. I'm ready to help you get there, so let's go!
What real school-based OT practitioners have to say about the Caseload to Workload Workshop

Upgrade your workload workshop experience with the
OT Schoolhouse Collaborative

Further your school-based OT knowledge and capacities with community-based mentorship and professional development experience inside the OT Schoolhouse Collaborative.
As a member of OT Schoolhouse Collaborative, not only will you have access to the Caseload to Workload Workshop to help you overcome your impossible caseload demands, but you will also have access to our growing library of AOTA-approved courses designed to take your practice to the next level.
Individual Course Purchase
OTS Collaborative

Caseload to Workload Workshop
$299 one-time purchase
Best for those who want long-term access to the Make The Shift: Caseload to Workload Workshop material & resources.
Lifetime access to the Caseload to Workload Workshop curriculum & resources
Monthly office hours with Jayson Davies
A certificate of recognition upon successful completion of the course - (4 hours of AOTA-approved CEUs)

OT Schoolhouse
$120/quarter or $399/year
Best for those who want access to the Workload course PLUS mentorship, unlimited PD, and additional resources.
Access to the Caseload to Workload Workshop while you are a member
Access to the A-Z School-Based OT Course while you are a member
Monthly office hours with Jayson Davies
A certificate of recognition upon successful completion of any and all courses included in the Collaborative
Monthly mentorship group calls to help you implement what you learn
Live AOTA-approved CEU courses from Jayson & other school-based OT practitioners all year long
Access to our growing library of recorded AOTA-approved courses for school-based OT practitioners
Access to every OT schoolhouse-developed resource including our AI school-based OT goal generator
Earn professional development by listening to the OT Schoolhouse Podcast
Member-only events, channels,
and community forums
Access to our library of school-based OT research summaries
Peer-to-peer support from other OT practitioners
Both options get you full (and instant) access to the course and resources today!
Plus, you will be able to attend our the next office hours session!
Purchase Orders &
Group Enrollments
Have a group of 3 or more OT practitioners who want to take the course. Each therapist can save $50 or more!
Click here to email us and learn how
Meet your course instructor

Hey there!
My name is Jayson Davies, and I have been supporting students and teachers as a school-based OT for over a decade.
Now, I support school-based OT practitioners in implementing best practices. So, if you are looking to support your students and teachers while saving yourself time and energy, look no further.
Since graduating from OT School in 2012, I have been neck-deep in school-based occupational therapy.
I've worked as a contracted therapist in a large suburban district as the newest therapist in a department of more than 15 OT practitioners. I've also worked as a district employee in a rural area where I was one of only two OT practitioners - myself and an OTA.
From those experiences, I have learned a lot, like how to collaborate with teachers and develop educationally relevant goals. I've also been in my fair share of challenging situations with caseloads that are too high to allow for effective therapy services. From those experiences, I have learned how to track, evaluate, and communicate with administrators how high caseloads impact the entire school.
More importantly, I have taught thousands of OT practitioners just like you how to best ethically support students, which includes advocating for the time you need to implement best practices. ​
Now, I look forward to helping you do the same. Let's get started on shifting your school to a workload model today!
How this program sets you up for success
It's much more than just a course
I know all too well how intimidating it can be to ask for help from a supervisor.
When you work at schools with limited resources and mentorship, you almost feel guilty asking for the smallest amount of support.
That's why, after many years of impossible caseloads, denied help requests, and even biting my tongue when I had something to say, I created this course for every school-based OT practitioner who is experiencing the same things I have.
This course is not a "quick fix" to your caseload concerns. It is an action-oriented workshop designed to help you one step at a time.
In addition to the steps laid out above, you'll also receive the following supports:
As a course participant, you will receive access to all of the handouts, editable templates, and made-for-you spreadsheets that I created while making my own shift from a caseload to a workload model. I've also added a few extras I wish I would have had while making the shift, as well.
Live Office Hours With Jayson
I share a lot about caseloads and workloads in this course, but I know you are going to have questions unique to your situation. That is why I set time aside every month to answer your questions live in a private Zoom session. During office hours, I will be available to answer your situation questions directly and thoroughly.
Community Support
Not only will you have full access to the course content, but you will also be welcomed into the Private OT Schoolhouse Learner Center, where Jayson and other like-minded professionals are available to answer case-specific questions. There is no judgment in our group, just plenty of helpful support!
Course Objectives
We'll cover each of these objectives in a logical way to bring them all into focus for you.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Identify how a caseload model differs from a workload model.
Recall research related to occupational therapy and using a workload approach.
Appraise your current caseload and workload and distinguish how it is impacting your practice.
Create a plan for moving to a workload approach and maintaining it.
This course has been structured to make each learning objective easy to learn and implement into your practice as you work through it.
After all, what good is knowledge you can't use?
You get it all!
Instructional methods and tools designed to support you.
What's a course without all the helpful supplemental materials?
When you register for the Caseload to Workload Workshop, you will receive:
Access to all 3 sections of the course broken up into 20-45 minute easily digestible videos with slides, totaling 3.5 hours of instructional material.
The most comprehensive training for transitioning from a caseload to a workload model and getting the support you need from your administrators.
Access to the Private Learner Center that will allow you to seek advice from Jayson and your peers in the Caseload to Workload Workshop.
Access to monthly LIVE Q&A sessions (Collaboration Hours) with Jayson via private video sessions!
Access to digital PDF reference handouts that will assist you in making the shift and showing your administrators the work you do.
Access to customizable and digital templates, including Jayson's plug and play template to show your administrators all the work you do and the ideas you have.
A certificate of completion for 4 (.4 CEUs) contact hours - good for your national board re-certification and licensure renewal where applicable (Please refer to your state guidelines to determine if your state accepts live and/or recorded online courses for renewal).​​
Join hundreds of school-based OT practitioners and get the administrative support you deserve!
Frequently asked questions
About the course
Disclosures, Terms & Conditions, Wavier of Liability & Participation Information
Presenter Disclosure: The speaker, Jayson Davies, is the owner of Schoolhouse Education, LLC, and the OT Schoolhouse
Sponsor Disclosure: This course is presented by Schoolhouse Education, LLC
Content Disclosure: This learning event does not focus exclusively on specific products or services.
Target Audience
The Make The Shift: Caseload to Workload Workshop is an intermediate level course designed for school-based OT practitioners. No prerequisite courses are required.
Course Completion Requirements
Passing (70% or greater) an online exam and completing a course evaluation will be required to earn continuing education credit.
To participate in the course, complete the exam and course evaluation, and earn continuing education credit, you must be the original purchaser of the course. Participants must complete the entire course; partial credit is not allowed.
Schoolhouse Education, LLC is committed to ensuring accessibility to the widest possible audience. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone. If you have questions, or requests, or would like to report an accessibility-related issue, please email accessibility@otschoolhouse.com. We will review your request and respond in a timely manner.
Terms and Conditions
Schoolhouse Education, LLC will keep a record of your CE courses. This includes all complete, incomplete, and pending coursework. When applicable, transcript services may include reporting to professional associations and/or state licensure boards. While Schoolhouse Education, LLC will make all reasonable efforts to offer CE credit for its courses, it is not responsible for state or national, or regulatory current policies or changes in CE requirements that may make courses ineligible for CE credits.
Participant Agreement
By registering for or attending any event or activity associated with the Make The Shift: Caseload to Workload Workshop, you agree to the following:
Professional Development/Information Disclaimer
​The Making the Shift: Caseload to Workload Workshop is a virtual event for professional development, networking, and OT School house business purposes. The material presented is not intended to represent the only or the best methods appropriate for the occupational therapy and/or medical condition or professional development issues being discussed, but rather is intended to present the opinions of the presenters, which may be helpful to other health care professionals at arriving at their own conclusions and consequent application. Attendees participating in this professional development education program do so with full knowledge that they waive any claim they may have against the Making the Shift: Caseload to Workload Workshop, Schoolhouse Education, LLC, and OT School House and its staff or representatives for reliance on any information presented during these educational activities.​
Waiver of Liability Agreement
​I release the Making the Shift: Caseload to Workload Workshop, Schoolhouse Education, LLC, OT School House, and its staff, presenters, and any other individuals or entities associated with the Making the Shift: Caseload to Workload Workshop from any and all liability connected with my participation, as well as from any liability related to changes to the schedule, events or activities. I acknowledge and agree that I am participating on my own choice and assume all risk in connection thereof and that in the event that a need for emergency medical service arises, I authorize and consent to such services being provided at my own expense.​
Cancelation Policy & Refund policy
In the event that Schoolhouse Education, LLC must cancel the event for any reason, participants will be offered the choice of a full refund or, when applicable, a credit toward the rescheduled event.
Refund Policy
In the event that Schoolhouse Education, LLC must cancel the event for any reason, participants will be offered the choice of a full refund or, when applicable, a credit toward the rescheduled event.
Participants who have not completed the course may cancel and receive a full refund within 30-days of registering for any reason.