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OTS 145: Crafting Your Goal Bank for School-based OT

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Welcome to the show notes for Episode 145 of the OT Schoolhouse Podcast.

Have you thought that optimizing your practice with efficient goal banking strategies might be helpful? 

In this episode, we explore a range of goal banking options, from simple PDFs to advanced spreadsheets, to help you streamline your process. 

Join us as Jayson shares his journey and a practical six-step plan to create and utilize your personalized goals. Jayson also introduces the concept of templating goals and even offers a glimpse into the AI-powered solutions for creating reusable, searchable goals.

Don't miss out on this insightful episode to help you in your daily school-based practice!

Listen now to learn the following objectives:

  • Learners will identify the purpose and benefits of creating and using a goal bank for school-based OT

  • Learners will understand the process of templatizing goals and customizing criteria and accommodations

  • Learners will be able to apply strategies for organizing and categorizing goals to create their own goal templates.

Guest Bio

In 2017, Jayson founded the OT Schoolhouse website and now supports school-based OT practitioners via courses, conferences, and the OTS Collaborative community.

With experience as both a contracted therapist and an "in-house" employee for two distinctly different districts, Jayson has had the opportunity to appreciate the differences between both small-rural and large-suburban districts.

For over five years, he has been helping therapists implement proactive tiered interventions, support IEP teams with goals and services, and feel more satisfied with the job they are doing as school-based OT practitioners. 


"I want to help you either, overcome that stopping point of yourself creating a gold bank that you can actually use and/ or help you find a gold bank that you can use." 

-Jayson Davies, MA, OTR/L

"I also wanted the goals to be ready to plug and play. AKA, I wanted them to be a template, easy to copy those goals really quickly." 

-Jayson Davies, MA, OTR/L

"if you're looking for a reason to become familiar with using artificial intelligence, AI, this may be the perfect opportunity." 

 -Jayson Davies, MA, OTR/L

“Using that filter button can definitely make your life much easier, once it actually comes time to use this goal bank. 

-Jayson Davies, MA, OTR/L

“After building and beginning to use your goal bank, you may find that some goals lend themselves to other factors that you commonly use.”

-Jayson Davies, MA, OTR/L


Episode Transcript

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Jayson Davies   

Hey there, and welcome to episode 145 of the OTs schoolhouse podcast. Thank you so much for being here. My name is Jayson Davies, a school based occupational therapy practitioner based in Southern California. To start off this podcast, I have a very simple question for you. Have you ever tried to create and use a goal bank yourself? And if you did try, the follow up to that question is, did you find that process so frustrating that you just decided to give up on it somewhere in the process, maybe you inserted like five goals to a spreadsheet and just got so tired of it, you stopped or maybe you got 20 goals in there, and you actually started to use it. And then the end of the school year came and you just never went back to using it the next school year? Well, if that's you, it's also me too, we have something in common, I have started a gold bank at least three separate times. And it's also something that I've wanted to do a long time over here at the OT schoolhouse, is to create a gold bank that everyone can use. And that's exactly why in this episode, I want to help you to either a overcome that stopping point of yourself creating a gold bank that you can actually use. And or help you find a gold thing that you can use and don't have to necessarily recreate the wheel because you already have it available to you. And you can skip the building step and just get to the point where you use the gold Bank, which is so much easier. And it saves us a lot of time, the hard part is actually creating the gold thing. So that's what we're going to discuss today. And maybe you're like many of the occupational therapy practitioners that I surveyed over on my Instagram page, where people said that they loved the idea of the goal bank, but they never found one or they're never able to create one that just worked for them. Take Amy for example. She said she loves them. But she doesn't always have the time to use them. Or Jackie Gabby and many others who said they just haven't found the right one yet. And that's why today I want to talk to you about how to create and or find a gold bank that you will actually use. We'll talk about the qualities of a goal bank and what that can include how to build your own, and even a little extra something at the end about how you can access that goal bank that I have now created at the OT school house for you. So stay tuned. Let's Cue the intro and we'll be right back. 


Amazing Narrator   

Hello, and welcome to the OT schoolhouse podcast, your source for school based occupational therapy, tips, interviews and professional development. Now to get the conversation started. Here's your host, Jayson Davies, class is officially in session. 


Jayson Davies   

All right, welcome back. First things first, before you start creating or looking for a goal, I think there is one main thing that I think everyone should do. And that is to identify your need and your desires for actually creating and using a goal bank. What is the purpose of this goal bank is it to save you time is it to give you ideas that maybe you wouldn't have thought of without having this gold bank in front of you, is it to maybe even build upon further than just the goal bank to include accommodations and other strategies that often go along with a goal, there's so many different reasons that you might want to create a goal bank time, of course, been a big one. But if you're going to create a gold bank, you will spend a lot of time creating that gold bank to get to the point where it's going to save you time. So I'll start by saying that there are a ton of gold banks out there, some are free, some are paid. Some you can even copy and adapt, while others are more fixed like a PDF, right? You can't adapt a PDF unless you kind of go through a lot of work. But some are actually more flexible, like a spreadsheet, right, you can go into the spreadsheet, and maybe you can adapt that spreadsheet. Of course, if the spreadsheet is locked, or if it belongs to someone else, and you only have to access, then that's a little bit more tricky. Maybe you can make a copy of it. But then maybe you're missing out on missing out on the benefit where when someone adds a goal, you no longer get that because you're using a copy of it instead of the original. So that's why I say it's very important to start by identifying what you want out of the goal bank. So to do that, I want you to just ask yourself a few simple questions. Nothing crazy, right? Here they are. Do you want a list of 100 all encompassing goals that you may never use? Or maybe you only use five or 10 of them? Or do you want a set of just 25 goals that you frequently use and you know, work for you? Those are the ones that just you use, right? You find yourself using the same goals over and over and over again. And you don't necessarily need a large list. Do you care if the goal bank is searchable? Do you want to be able to just hit Command F or Ctrl F on your computer and say handwriting and all the handwriting goals come up or is that not a factor for you? Do you care whether or not you have the ability to update a goal. Do you Want to be able to say, hey, you know what that goal was great a year ago, but now not so much. Let me update a little bit. Again, if it's a PDF goldbank, you might not be able to do that. But if it's a spreadsheet that you have access to that you can manipulate, then of course, you would be able to do that. And then finally, the last question, and this was a big one for me, and I alluded to this a minute ago is do you want it to go further than just goals, a lot of gold beings will list like a grade level and a bunch of goals, or maybe a Common Core State Standard, and a bunch of goals or a topic of handwriting and a bunch of goals. But it stops there. There's nothing else to go beyond the goal. So once you select a goal, you don't have anything to build on, you have to kind of build on it yourself. However, it is possible. And we'll talk more about this in a bit, that you might find that if you use a handwriting goal regarding legibility, or regarding maybe sizing or spacing, or whatever that handwriting goal might be, then there might be common accommodations that you use, or common treatment strategies that you use, or maybe common pull out versus in class interventions that you use, and you can kind of build those into your goldbank. So that you don't necessarily need to think about them again. So that's something to consider when you're thinking about what you want out of your gold bank. For me, personally, there were three things that I really wanted out of a gold bank, if I was to use it. And to be honest, these are kind of lofty, and might have prevented me from actually really getting started with my gold bank or not started but really completing my gold bank, I kind of lost interest because it was hard to get to these three things. Well, technology has advanced a little bit. And that's why I've been able to achieve this. But I always wanted a gold bank that was easy to navigate. And also had a search feature, right? Like, I know how to use Command F on my computer really well. And I want it to be able to just say Command F executive functioning, boom, here's all my executive functioning goals, I wanted that I also wanted the goals to be ready to plug and play, aka, I wanted them to be a template or I wanted to templatized them so that I can just Command C copy those goals really quickly, pull it over to the IEP command P paste that goal right there. And then all I have to do is find wherever name is changed the student's name, and then find where date is changed the date and maybe update the criteria a little bit, I didn't want to have to pull out a goal that had a name already built into it and a incorrect date. And then fear that, oh, if I don't change that name and date, then you know, I'm gonna have Sarah's name and Johnny's IEP, and the date and the goal is not going to reflect the IEP date. I don't want that right. So I wanted something that was ready to plug and play. And finally, as I was discussing a little bit earlier, I wanted the ability to include information beyond the goal. Like once I found my desired goal, I kind of wanted to already have some information in there to build upon. So if I'm going to use this organizational executive functioning goal, than I already want to have some strategy that I know, or some accommodations that I've used in the past that I know work that I can just really quickly hey, these accommodations, I should add those to the IEP while I'm adding the goal, because these accommodations will likely support the student, or at least I should consider those accommodations. So in this way, I was able to move forward beyond the goal by instantly having that goal in front of me, rather than having to sit down say, okay, how am I goal? Now? What should I do about accommodations? Now, what should I do about treatment strategies, from here on out, I already have those built into my goal bank, and that's what I want it. So once you have that idea of what you need, what you want, what you desire, out of an occupational therapy, a school based occupational therapy goldbank, then it's time to move to step number two. Step number two is one of two things or maybe combination of both. It is either a find the bank that suits your needs, and desires that you want, or getting started by creating your own. Personally, I find that a lot of therapists start by trying to create their goal bank, it's exactly how I started and maybe you've done the same thing. And then we try we get going and then we say You know what, I'm just gonna go on to Teachers Pay Teachers are going to Facebook or wherever, and find an existing goal book. And then we do that right. Like we go on to Facebook, we find a free one on one of the the school based Oh T websites or not websites, one of the Facebook groups for school based occupational therapy, and we find this goal, think and if we're lucky, we find one that you know, has a has a decent amount of goals, and then we start to use it and then we just realized it doesn't have all the things that we wanted. And that flips us back to saying you know what, I'm going to create my own. And it's kind of a reverse cycle, right? Like it's almost a form of procrastination, right? Like we want the goal being so bad, but we don't necessarily want to do the work and we're scared to do the work. But we just want the goal bank and so the next thing you know, we've tried three are four different gold beings only to use each one for like a week, and then move on to the next one or just completely give up. It's funny how that works, because at the end of the day, we often go back to creating our own gold bank. So if we're going to try and create our own gold bank, where do we start? For this first step, I actually want to break it into two separate steps and bear with me, you'll see why. Because oftentimes, our brain tries to do two things at once it tries to like do a brain dump. And then it also tries to organize that brain dump at the same time. And I just want to separate those two processes out. So for you, what I want you to do is if you're getting started, sit down, you know, give yourself at least 30 minutes to work on this, if not more, and just go through past IEPs that you have, and just copy and paste, copy the IEP pasted into a, a single column on a Google spreadsheet or whatever your spreadsheet of choice is. Just go through find all the goals that might be related to occupational therapy, not even, you know, you're not even trying to think like, oh, is this an OT goal or not an OT goal doesn't matter if it's something that you may use, just copy and paste it, whether you wrote it, whether the SLP wrote it, whether the teacher wrote it, the education specialist, whoever wrote, It doesn't matter if it's related to occupational therapy, grab it and put it in your spreadsheet. Once you have a list of maybe 2030 goals, whatever it might be, you've gone through, and you're finally getting tired of that part of it. Now you can go back and do some of the organizational process, we're not going to start the template part of it yet, we're just organizing it, maybe you're going to read through those 20 goals a little bit more carefully to determine if they relate to OTs. If not, delete it. For the ones that do relate to OT in the next column over, I just want you to categorize it, label it as a handwriting goal, label it as an executive functioning goal, label it as an organizational goal, a visual motor goal. Even if you want to add grade level, you could like this is a preschool a very defined preschool goal, sensory goal, whatever it might be, just use a separate column the next column over and if you know how to use spreadsheets pretty well, I recommend making it a drop down. So you can just like quickly click on it and click the right one. Or if you know a sensory just hit S and century will come up, right. But you want to start to give each goal a category. So at this point, you've got two columns on your spreadsheet, you've got one column with the actual goal itself. The next column has the category that that goal fits into. While you're adding the category if you want to maybe you add a third column to add a specific grade level for each of the goals, if you know that there are some that you use for a particular grade level, if you want to add something else here, go for it to help you categorize them. But we're going to get into even more categorization in a bit, I don't want you to get too bogged up with trying to make it perfect right now. Because if you do that, it might be overwhelming. And then you might just never use the goal. And we don't want that. Alright. So once you've got your goals there, you got some categorization done. Maybe you do 20 goals into the bank. And then you categorize them and another 20 and categorize them to, you get however many goals you want. Now it's time to go back and actually start turning those goals in to a template. So this is a kind of multi step process here. But just work with me because this is the part that I think really makes a goal or this step. And the next step are really the parts of a goal bank that make it actually user friendly. So that way, once you actually have your goal bank, you're more likely to actually use it, rather than give up on it. So let's start with templatized. Seeing the goals, what we're going to do is go one by one each goal. And you can either sit down and do this all at one time. Or you can kind of do this as you go right like when you're sitting down for an IEP and you're going to use Goal number 10. Well, maybe when you use Goal number 10, before you use it, you just turn it into a template and then use the template. And then next time we're Johnny, you have gold number 18 that you want to use, and then you do it then hope that makes sense. But when you're templatized the goal, you're going to do two primary things. You're going to remove the old students name if it is there, and you're just going to replace it with a capital and a me all capitalized, easy to find. It just blares out at you, when you copy this, go to the IEP, you're going to see name and you're just going to know I need to switch out the name. The other thing that you want to do is remove the date and replace that again with a just capitalized da te so that way you know I need to change the date here. Or you can just change all the dates to instead of by 1119 2025 or something like that, you can just change it by the next students or by the students next annual IEP, then you don't have to worry about changing the date in the future at all your choice and kind of depends on how your district likes to have the date within the actual goal itself. So in addition to the name and the date that you want to change out some other things that you might see in some goals that you want to turn into a template, as opposed to leaving it, the way that they are, are any accommodations, you know, some goals, you might list out accommodations that the student might have access to, while trying to attempt or trying to complete that goal accurately. So you can just like change it to accommodations, so you know, to go in and put the accommodations specific to that student, or also the criteria, sometimes we change the criteria, right, maybe we don't always want 80%, maybe we don't always want four out of five trials, or four to five trials in a given session or something like that. So if you want to change that out, you can also change that, you might just change it like to a number sign slash number sign. So that way, you know to go back in and change the number signs to whatever number it's supposed to be, or just like a blank space percentage, so you know that you need to put a percentage in there. So by doing this, you're just creating a template. That way, when you grab the goal put into the IEP, you know that you have one, two, maybe three things that you just need to update very quickly, right? Yes, this step is time consuming. But as I mentioned just a moment ago, it's also the step that's more likely to make you actually use the goldbank. Quick like pro hacker tip here, if you are familiar with or if you're looking for a reason to become familiar with using artificial intelligence, AI, this may be the perfect opportunity, chat GPT if you like give it one of your old previous goals that has the name that has a date in it, and you just say, hey, chat, GBT, I would want you to take this goal, and turn it into a reusable template without the name without the date. But make sure that you like put something in its place so that I know I need to put the name and date there, it will likely just do that for you. And you could potentially just kind of say, Hey, do that now again, but do it for these 20 goals. And you just feed it the 20 goals. And it might just turn them all into a template for you. Now with AI, it's all about how you prompt it. So it might not be perfect, you might have to play around with a little bit. But again, if you're looking for an excuse to actually start to learn how to use AI, this might be the perfect opportunity is definitely something that I have used. So there you go. All right, one last note before moving on to the last step. And that when you're going through and templatized your goals, you can kind of do it in one or a few of these manners. You can either a sit down and just templatized all the goals all at once or, you know, do 10 Here, 10, tomorrow, 10 The next day until you get them all done. Or you can commit to creating a template for each goal the next time you use that goal. Now, I will say there's a benefit to that aspect as opposed to doing them all at once. Because you're going to start to realize what goals you use more frequently. And if you've gone, you know, three months, six months, and you see goals that aren't templatized dead, that might be a sign that maybe it's time to delete or archive those goals because you're just simply not using them. So that is one of the nice pieces about you know, making sure that you're going to create the template each time you actually use a goal instead of just doing them all at once. Because then you only you're templatized in the goals that you actually use. And you can clean out the ones that you are not using. And of course you can use a combination of those two, maybe you know, your top 10 most frequent goals. So you just do those top 10 Right off the bat. And then you leave the rest for a templatized them as you go type of strategy. All right. Okay, we now have a list of goals, we have those goals categorized to some extent by maybe sensory handwriting, visual motor, fine motor, whatever it might be, we have now started to templatized those goals. And this next step, which was very important to me, and maybe it's not as important to you, and maybe you want to skip it, that's okay. But I wanted to improve searchability I know my goals pretty well. And I wanted to be able to find them very, very quickly. So what that meant for me was actually giving each goal its own name, a very specific name, a unique name, a name that you would not find anywhere else on the page. That way, I know that if I want my handwriting legibility goal that I just type in really quickly, HW legibility and it pops up. Or if I want my executive functioning turn in homework assignment, then I know that I can just type in turn in homework and it's going to pop up. So I put that into a new column. In fact, I usually move that column to the very, very far left of my spreadsheet, so it's like the first One, just super easy to navigate a little bit. That way I can use Command F or control f, if I'm on a Windows device and just really quickly find that goal, I want to make sure that each goal has a very unique name. Now, going a little bit further than this, you can, I mean, this is your gulping. So if you want to do it a little bit differently, go for it, you could give each goal a unique emoji, or maybe you use emojis to categorize them a little bit. Maybe you color coat goals by category or color coat them by grade level or whatever it might be. The other thing that I recommend doing is finding the very first row the top row of your spreadsheet, and using the filter button, so you just you highlight the very first row at the very top, and you go into the settings, or sometimes it's right there on the top homescreen bar. And it's a little filter, and it looks like a filter. And by doing that, it's going to make each of your columns, the ability to like, rearrange your entire spreadsheet based upon that column, whether it's, you know, by alphabetical order by most recently created, or whatever it might be. But using that filter button can definitely make your life much easier once it actually comes time to use this goal bank. And to be honest, hopefully, by now, you've gotten far enough along in the step that you are already starting to use this goal bank, you're not still just creating it, you're actually utilizing it. Again, this is your goal bank, especially if you're creating it. So find what works for you, and use what works for you, right, like only you know what works for you. All right, at this point, your goldbank is very usable, it's searchable. It's got goals that are templatized. It's got categories that make it easy to find things, maybe you've added some emojis or you've color coded it into a pretty functional goal bank. However, as I mentioned earlier, for me, I wanted more than this, I wanted to have kind of the next steps once I know my goals. And so that brings me to what I'm calling like this Pro feature bonus, and that is adding extra features. After building and beginning to use your goal bank, you may find that some goals lend themselves to other factors that you commonly use. For example, you might know that every time that you use a organizational turn in homework goal, you commonly use the accommodation of giving the student additional time having the student be able to email the assignment into the teacher. Whatever accommodations you might use, you might also realize that your treatment strategies might be somewhat similar, or at least you might have some go to treatment strategies that you commonly use when addressing this goal. Maybe there are some other strategies that you commonly use, or maybe you recognize that your baseline in the IEP with the goal is always the same for this goal. And so you just have a template for the baseline that again, all you have to do is switch out the student's name, and what they're currently able to do in regards to that goal. You're not having to reinvent or retype out the entire baseline. So these are all things that you can actually start to build into your goal bank. While you're going, I wouldn't recommend doing this upfront, like as you are organizing your goals. But this is definitely something that you can do. As you start to see, hey, I'm using, like 10 goals really frequently. And when I use those 10 goals, I'm using a similar baseline. And when I use a goal, I'm using similar in class strategies or similar pullout strategies, similar accommodations, so on and so forth. And I really call this like the Pro feature bonus part of your goal bank. Because when you're starting to do these, when you incorporate these features to your bank, you're going be on what a goldbank typically encompasses and you're actually beginning to develop a personalized therapy protocol for each goal, right. Like, you know, if I'm putting in this, this goal for a student to maybe sequence a full paragraph, well, you might already know what your next five sessions might look like with that student because you really understand what that goal means. And, of course, it might look a little different every student's a little bit different, but you have a gist of what your next five sessions or your next three sessions might look like, based upon what has worked in the past. We are creating evidence by using our own strategies and way by reusing our strategies, we can start to create evidence and you can start actually, if you really wanted to, within your goal bank is taking data as to what strategy actually works and what doesn't, and then manipulating the goal bank based upon your data. Yeah, I know getting a little over the top here with the goal bank. This is much more than I think most people think of when they think of a goal bank, right? Like we think of a goal bank. We just think of a long list of goals. Oh Hopefully we can search for those goals. But nonetheless, a long list of goals, but here we're adding more and make it a protocol, as opposed to just a gold bank. And that brings us to the final step, the whole purpose of putting this all together. And that is utilizing a gold bank, right? If you're keeping track, this is step number six here, and steps one through five, we're all about creating a goal bank so that we could get to step six, of course, you know, maybe you're not doing step five, or you're adding additional features. And even by time you get to step four, even three to some degree, you already have a gold bank that can actually be utilized. But once you've got all five pieces together, and you get to, to step six, this is where it gets really fun. Because now that you've done all that work, you can really start to utilize your gold bank. And rather than taking you more time to use your gold bank, it's actually taking you less time to find goals, and start to implement those goals. I definitely recommend if you're using Google Sheets, or some web based application to to use or to create your goal bank, then you definitely want to bookmark it and pin it to your browser so that it's just always there, right, you want it to be one click away. That way. At the end of the day, when you don't have students and you're ready to work on IEP goals, you can just really quickly bring those up and boom, they are right there. If it is more of a computer based system, a software on your computer, like maybe your your Microsoft spreadsheets might be depends on which version you have, then just make it a shortcut on your desktop. That way, again, it's very easy to add, you can just even leave that spreadsheet open all the time. So it's even easier to get to. The other thing you might need is actually a sticky note on your computer to remind you to actually use the goal bank. Or maybe if you have a checklist that you kind of use for every IEP, like, you know, for every IEP, you need to input your present levels of performance, your IEP goals, and whatnot, right your services, maybe you just add to your IEP checklist that you use each time, check goldbank for IEP goals, simple as that, just a quick reminder to make sure you're actually using this goal bank that you put so much effort into. And then once you're using it, don't forget to update it, right, like you don't need to update it every day, every week. But as you go along, you're gonna start to see what goals you use and what goals you don't use. If there's goals that you are using frequently, maybe you categorize those a little bit more by adding a star emoji and a far right column or a far left column to make them easy to find. Maybe you do something else, maybe you add more of those additional aspects to, again, to make your life easier if there are goals that you're commonly using, then you are also commonly writing baselines, putting accommodations in place and whatnot. So you can add those to your template. If there's goals that you're not using, right, like maybe there's goals that are just way down at the bottom of your list, and maybe they haven't even been templatized at you haven't used them in a long time. Maybe you're keeping track of what goals you actually use or don't use and which goals are effective or not effective? I don't know. But you can start to trim those out, right? As I mentioned earlier, do you want a list of 100 goals that you only use a few of or do you want a very condensed goal bank that you know what's there and you can easily find what you want. That's a personal decision. And maybe what you want now might be different from what you want in the future. And that's why I wouldn't necessarily delete those goals, I would just create a new tab or a new sheet within your spreadsheet that you would archive them so that way you can just copy the entire row, or cut out that entire row and move it to your archive. So they're still there if you ever want to go find them, but they're not in your way when you're trying to find the goals that you know that you want. Alright, so that is the six steps to creating and utilizing your own goal bank. And if you actually know maybe you went the route of finding your own goal bank, maybe you found one, you can kind of depending on how it works, you could potentially go through the other steps with that gold link that you found and make it your own. Again through steps two through six right you can personalize it a little bit by categorizing it but it all depends on how you have access the gold bank that you found. So as a quick recap, those six steps really quickly are to identify your needs and desires for goldbank. Gather your goals. Organize your goals and assign attributes to make your goals easy to find. Add extra features if it makes sense for you. And then the most important step use your goal being man I know that I have started at least three gold banks and I use them for maybe a few weeks then the end of the school year came and I just never went back and found them. I don't want that to be the case for you. I want you to build a gold bank. or find a gold bank that works for you that you will use over and over again, to actually save you time. And it's also for that reason that I want to introduce you to the OT schoolhouse school based occupational therapy gold bank. The steps that I laid out here steps one through six are the exact steps that I use to create the OTs schoolhouse gold bank that is now available at slash gold bank. Now I have designed this OTs schoolhouse gold bank. Now I might be biased here because I designed it myself. But I really think that the OTs schoolhouse gold bank is really like the most premier gold bank right now because it's got everything that I've already listed or mentioned in this podcast episode. So far. It's designed to be an interactive and growing collection of OT and collaborative IEP goals explicitly designed for people like you and me school based OT practitioners. Plus every month, we add new goals based upon our members request. So if there isn't a goal already in the goal bank that our members want, then we go ahead and we build it out for them because we want the goals that you want to be there when you want them. For each goal, we don't just include the goal template. We also include a template for writing the student baselines, tips for monitoring progress on the goal, accommodations to support student success in class strategies to support student progress toward their goals, pull out strategies to further support student progress on their goals. And now we're even starting to add in common core standards that each goal could apply to so that way, if your administrator says hey, how does this goal support the students academics, you can say, Oh, well, this goal actually supports Common Core standard 2.2 Second grade or whatever that might be. And they'll be like, Oh, okay, cool. That sounds awesome, right. So that's why we're starting to incorporate the Common Core standards into each goal. As part of the goal bank, we also have this really cool AI feature that you get access to as a member. And I created this AI form to help you craft your own goals. In the case that you really want something more specific to your students case. And the way that it works, it's pretty simple. There's like five inputs, I think it is you input like the student's first name, you input the functional area that you want your student to improve in, and you also input like their current baseline where they're currently performing related to that functional skill. Once you do that, it's going to do its work. And it's going to spit out six different goals, the first three goals are actually going to be very specific to the information that you gave it. And then the other three goals, I've given it a little bit of creative freedom to kind of go above and beyond to maybe give you an idea for a goal that you weren't thinking about. So it gives you six goals, three that are very specific to what you want three, a little bit more creative goals to kind of, you know, maybe give you a little extra boost of adrenaline or a little boost of energy to add something else. All right. It's a really cool tool, and I can't wait for you to use it. So if the OT schoolhouse goldbank sounds, you know, just really interesting to you. And something that might make your life a little bit easier there in your school based occupational therapy role, I would love for you to check it out over at slash goldbank. And of course, I'll post the link to that in the show notes for you to easily find but slash gold banks pretty easy there, boy, yeah. And since I really appreciate everyone for listening to the OT, schoolhouse podcast, and I really appreciate you for listening all the way to the end, please use the promo code podcast to get your first month completely free. I really think you'll enjoy this. We've tried to make this just like super helpful, super, super user friendly. And again, it's going to grow with you. And so if you get in there and you love, you know all the goals, and there's one goal that maybe isn't there that you hope was would be there. Just use our request form. Let us know what your request is. Maybe you want a goal specific to I don't know, I don't know accessing lunchtime, or getting from one class to another. I don't think we have a goal in there. Right now. Maybe it'll be in there by the time you get there. But let us know if there's something that you would like to request. All right, well, that is going to wrap up this episode of the OT schoolhouse podcast all about binding creating and utilizing a school based occupational therapy goldbank I really hope that this episode helped you. I hope that if you decide to take us up on the free month of using our gold bank, I really hope that helps you and and please let me know, you know, shoot me an email or once you get into the gold bank itself, you can actually send me a direct message and just let me know did it did it help you out? And if not, why not? And if it did, let me know why we've gotten a lot of great feedback so far. And we're gonna continue to improve this. This goldbank For for all the school based OT practitioners out there, and I really hope it helps you. Also if you create Did your gold bank and you just absolutely love it? I would love for you to let me know what you love about your gold bank and why you love it. And maybe the process that you took, was it similar to the process that I took? Or was it a little bit different? If that's you've hit me up on Instagram, Instagram, or maybe Facebook and just send me a message about what you did the steps that you took to create your gold bank, and why you love it so much. I'd love to just give you some kudos and maybe even throw a shout out your way on the OT school house social media platform. I'm always looking for people doing awesome things. Love it. And who knows, maybe we'll have you on the podcast to talk about your goal bank. I would love nothing more. All right. Well, thank you again, so much for tuning in. This was episode number 145. I appreciate you. I appreciate you being here. And yeah, we'll see you next time. Take care. Bye. 


Amazing Narrator   

Thank you for listening to the OT schoolhouse podcast. For more ways to help you and your students succeed right now. Head on over to OT Until next time, class is dismissed. 

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