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Welcome to the show notes for Episode 95 of the OT Schoolhouse Podcast.
In this episode of the OT Schoolhouse Podcast, I am answering the questions submitted by several of our OT Schoolhouse Podcast listeners.
From "what is a consult?" to "how do I implement sensory strategies?" I am answering a dozen questions that were submitted by OT practitioners that work in the schools and listen to the OT Schoolhouse Podcast just like you.
Listen in to hear how I respond to these listener-submitted questions.
A special thank you to all of those who submitted a question and made this episode possible!
Additional Links to Show References:
Journal on effective handwriting strategies (Related to speed)
OT Schoolhouse Podcast Episode 50 - How to get your foot in the door as a new grad OTP
Podcast episodes related to sensory processing:
The A-Z School-Based OT Course
The course for all OT practitioners looking to better understand school-based OT.
Making the Shift: Caseload to Workload
An online workshop helping you and your colleagues move from a caseload model to a workload model in your school-based OT practice.
Get the OT Month Handouts

With everything you've got going on, trying to promote OT Month can be tough. So, we are making it easy for you. Submit the form below to get your OT Month Tips Handouts that you can share with your school colleagues as a way to share how amazing you are and how you can directly support them and the students. Subscribe below to get your handouts!
Episode Transcript
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